Bill at Boston 1997 - mile 24

Mike & Bill Aronson, CIM 2007

Monday, February 25, 2013

More? More.

week ending 2/24:

M - 8.5 @ 6:42/mi
T - 11.7 @ 6:45/mi (3 x 2000 @ 10k race pace w/800 jog: 6:49, 6:47, 6:45) - mostly 81s
W - 21.0 @ 6:35/mi (2:18) - last 3 in 5:56, 5:56, 5:51
Th - 12.4 @ 7:00/mi
F - 11.6 @ 6:56/mi
Sa - 16.2 @ 6:51/mi (1:51, Mt. Tabor from NW, really feeling the hills/previous days' distance toward the end)
Su - 27.0 @ 6:28/mi (2:54:30 total). 8 up, 16 @ MP at Sauvie (6:04, 6:01, 6:05, 6:06, 6:00, 6:04, 6:02, 6:04, 6:00, 6:01, 5:58, 6:02, 6:02, 6:02, 6:10, 5:57), 3 dn.

TOTAL: 108.4 / 12:07:05 / 6:42 pace

Ok, I decided to take the insanity to a whole new level this week, also running my biggest week ever, probably by at least 5 miles. Before I shifted to yes on LA, I had planned a long-ish taper leading into the Linfield 10,000 on 3/1. After hitting the Tues solo track workout well and later that day deciding yes on LA, I drastically changed that direction to do a “fit-in-everything-I-haven’t-yet-done-this-training-cycle” week. 21 pre-work on Wed 4:35 AM? Check. At least one overdistance run? (I did 2x28 and 1x27 before Chicago). Check. A Hansons-style 26.2 km at MP? Check. 100+ miles? Check. Over 12 hrs of training? Check. Was the whole thing ill-conceived? Maybe. My thinking was that I’d done well at VLH with a peak of 99 for the week ending 21 days out, why not do a monster week ending 21 days out from LA? (The dangers of being self-coached, right?) The obvious answer is it could well be too much to properly recover from before the race. But my volume has been good I’ve been recovering very well from it in general. So I’ve rolled the dice (ok, THROWN the dice) in hopes of topping off my endurance tank and we’ll see if it helps or hurts come 3/17. Right now just about everything hurts, but not in an “oh my god I’m injured” type of way, just in a “holy crap I can’t believe I just did that week” type of way. I've been thinking the last couple days "man, I'm in a training danger zone". Fingers crossed. But I figure I have nothing to lose.

This morning, I ran 7 pre-miles at about 7:00s before meeting my two training partners at Sauvie, 1 more mile easy with them, then the 16 @ MP, and 3 easy for cool-down at 7:20-7:00 (which was actually not at all easy being 24 in and having just run so hard). So they did 20 to my 27. While the MP felt hard from the start and all of us had done the 16 including up/down Tabor yesterday, we were together today thru 13, then they gapped me, finishing at least 35 seconds ahead. But it was more they sped up (5:58/6:00/5:35) rather than me slowing down much (6:02/6:10/5:57), except on the 6:10 which was gradual uphill followed by the reverse of it where they really kicked it in to the end-point, but man was I cooked. I’m never real concerned these days about “losing” a training run. Races are all that matter. These guys have 2:41 and 2:43 PRs to-date, but both I feel have a strong potential to go sub-2:40 at LA. We hope to all start together "conservatively" at about 6:05s the first third of the race.

The thought of running 80s-82s for 25 laps (goal time 33:59) this Fri evening sounds 100% deplorable at the moment, but after today I will in fact [have to] taper, probably starting out with 6 and 8 very easy Mon/Tues, and how I feel dictating what I do from there (I haven’t ruled out a Wed AM easy 15). LA automatically became the goal race and Linfield a tune-up, but my time goal on the track has not changed. A sharp taper starts now, with these final 3 weeks looking something like 75/65/whatever. If ever I’ve been in shape to attempt sub-6:00 avg for 26.2, this is it. But it would still take a phenomenal day/conditions/focus/hill-survival for that to happen.

I can’t believe I’m running like this at age 41. While never easy, it’s been absolutely unreal recently.

When It Feels Right...

[written 2/18/13]

I’ve been sitting on a fence, but am about ready to jump over the “Run LA Marathon” side of it. It’s in 4 weeks on 3/17. It's still open, looks like an interesting course, I'm in good shape now, could be sidelined or worse by Berlin, and have been training with a couple guys of similar pace who are running LA. What started as a different approach to half-marathon training and paid off well at VLH has in fact doubled as marathon training (which was partly intentional in case I wanted to jump in a Spring race like Vernonia, Eugene, Boston, etc). Since Chicago, thru the W/E 2/17, my weeks have been 21,50,47,58,59,41,76,80,73,58,80,87,99,90,86,66,88,96,88. I'm at 1110 miles in 95 consecutive days since Nov. 15 (11.7 avg per day), with nary a double.

On the down-side, I haven't done any 100+ mile weeks, any 28 milers, enough core work, any mid-week 21 milers (yet), nor had the time to hold it at 85+ for at least 20 weeks like I plan to for before Berlin. I haven’t run a lot of hills, and the LA course looks to have plenty.

On the upside, I haven’t lost the strong base I built before into Chicago, plus what I gained from the race itself (both fitness-wise and confidence-wise), the ability to continue training/recovery thru XC season and then to step it up for the two recent halfs. In the past 14 weeks I’ve done weekend runs of 19-21 (qty. 10) and 24-25 (qty. 4). I’ve done workouts up to 6.5 mi at HMP (a couple times 5 mi on Springwater at the end of a 21+ @ 5:4x), and as far as 15 mi @ MP (89:10/5:57 avg, closing in 5:50, 5:39, 5:31 the final 3). Also, since Dec 15, I’ve done 6 x Wed 18-milers and 3 x 15-milers (including Wed of taper week 4 days out from VLH). At VLH, even course-adjusted I chopped about a minute off my recent best HM times, which technically could translate to 2 minutes in the marathon (ok, in a PERFECT marathon). But if I could run 78:high the 2nd half in Oct off a 75:low half ability, can I run a 77:high 2nd half at LA off a 74:low half ability? But what about the hills? Hmmm. Maybe 2:3x is a more reasonable goal than sub-6:00.0 pace.

Trying to PR in LA may fall into the “doing the same thing and expecting a different result” category, or perhaps just the straight-up “fantasy” category, but I actually think I’m in better shape than back on Oct. 7. Am I in course-specific shape? Not exactly. Do I have the optimal level of endurance? No, I haven’t quite done the mileage, and there is a law of diminishing returns given what I’ve already achieved, even though the above plus these upcoming few weeks would probably in and of itself pass as a reasonable training cylce in most people’s marathon books. But I’ve done not just volume, but decent volume plus workouts, and those workouts seem to be getting me to a slightly faster level. Am I much more confident at longer distances now? Yes. By virtue of merely having run a lot of distance in recent years, the 26.2 itself is no longer so daunting. Dropping it to 5:55s the latter half? Yes that’s daunting, but not excessively. And hills? I’m a decent uphill runner. No comment on downhills. One of my HTC teammates once scribbled on our van “Hills for Snacks”, as in “we eat hills for snacks”. She also liked uphills. But not at 5:55 pace. But if there’s ever a chance to realize my dream of a 5:40 final mile or two this is it, as the course drops about 200 feet approaching the oceanfront finish. Either that or my quads will be so worked from the rest of the course I’ll tumble down the hill as they give out multiple times. Is there a headwind coming in off the ocean, though? Probably. Maybe I pray for Santa Ana conditions with East winds.

Speaking of Santa Ana of course, it could be 92 degrees, in which case the whole idea of PR-ing or breaking 2:40 will be out the window. My last 3 fulls and most recent halfs have all been good if not perfect weather. That luck is certain to run out at some point. But life (especially marathon life) is not perfect. One of my goals if I ever achieved that sub-2:40 was then to have a bit more fun, be more spontaneous, enter races when I wanted, when I felt the time was right. Running LA goes along with that theme.

To those who feel trapped and defeated by marathon training, yes I understand it. But somehow I now feel as free as ever. I can knock out 10 or 12 (or 18) early AM with modest effort, then eat, shower, bike to work feeling good about the day. I’ve freed myself from the demons of running 2:3x, from the bad food/sugar demons, from the “I’m too old to race fast” thoughts, and from oh-so-many demons of doubt. I finally found a training model that works for me – prepare my body correctly and my mind will follow. Run well, run often, run smart, recover when needed, run confident, run free, run fast (whatever that may be for you).

My running log has these weird essays at the start of each month (the written equivalent of their cheesy stock photos). This month’s ends with: “More importantly, you have to adjust your goals as you age. None of us can run back into the arms of youth. At best, we can keep the grim reaper at bay.” Hey author, eff that. I’m old. And I’m improving. Why wouldn’t I try to go fast as possible, not just to keep a foot out of the grave? I’ve taken about 140 seconds off my half time since Jan. 07. Who’s to say I can’t claw back another 120 down to my all-time PR? Out of reach? Maybe. But I’ll never know if I don’t try.